Philosophy in an Inclusive Key
A Summer Institute for Undergraduates
August 3–August 10, 2013
Philosophy: Experience, Reflection, Transformation
Ellen K. Feder, Director, Associate Professor of Philosophy, American University
Guest Faculty: Linda Alcoff, Professor of Philosophy, CUNY
Brad Elliott Stone, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Chair, African American Studies, Loyola Marymount University
Mariana Ortega, Professor, Department of Philosophy, John Carroll University
Along with works in feminist, critical race, disability, and queer theory, students will read historical and contemporary philosophical texts that explore recurring human concerns and investigate the ways in which experience informs philosophical reflection. In addition, writing assignments, visiting lecturers, and mentoring will help students learn that their own perspectives matter to philosophy.
Participants will be named Iris Marion Young Diversity Fellows.
Designed to encourage undergraduates from underrepresented groups to consider future study of philosophy, PIKSI emphasizes the on-going project of greater inclusiveness that is transforming the discipline, inviting students to be participants in the conversation. Undergraduate women or men from underrepresented groups such as African Americans, Chicano/as and Latino/as, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, LGBTs, economically disadvantaged communities, and people with disabilities are urged to apply. Transportation and lodging are provided. Stipends are awarded to all.
APPLICATIONS DUE: April 15, 2013
For more details see: http://rockethics.psu.edu/piksi
Co-Sponsors: APA • FEAST • Penn State’s Rock Ethics Institute, College of The Liberal Arts, and Department of Philosophy• Iris Marion Young Diversity Scholars Fund.
2012 Institutional Co-Sponsors: Stony Brook University • Michigan State University • University of Washington • Ann Arbor Philosophers’ PIKSI Funding Initiative.
To download a flier for posting, please go to http://rockethics.psu.edu/education/piksi/
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